I'm kinda glad it's raining today. I really wanted to go for a run, but I'm happy taking the day off. I'm the kind of person that can't sit still for too long, but there are those days that I just dont want to do a thing..... today is one of them.
Actually, I think I'll finally clean my office at home. I've been putting it off for quite some time. Not that it's real messy (though my wife would disagree), it's just a little unorganized. I do some PC repair from home and I tend to have a lot of computer parts kicking around. Think I'll tackle that today.
Looking forward to the Springfield half on the 28th. But as of right now, it's my last scheduled race. I've been looking at others coming up in Sept. & Oct. but haven't signed up for any yet. A friend of the wife is doing a duathlon in Oct in Winchendon, MA (about an hour away) and wants me to join her so we can then go over her house for dinner. It will be my first duathlon, but it's only 2-mile run, 8-mile bike ride, and then a one mile run back. So it shouldn't be too bad. It will be fun.
Thank you for those of you that started following my blog. It means a lot to me. I enjoy reading your blogs, I find them very inspirational. I love reading about your training and I enjoy your everyday rambles. You guys do a great job! Hope I can offer the same with mine!
- JR
Hey! Congrats on kicking one addiction with a much healthier one. I started running seriously when I quit drinking wine.
Hope you got that desk clean :)
I would kill for a run in the rain - as long as there is no lightning involved.
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